Мета: відпрацювати фонетичні навички; вчити
розуміти іноземну мову в ігрових ситуаціях; проконтролювати мовні навички та
вміння учнів; проконтролювати рівень засвоєння учнями даних тем; розвивати
вміння застосовувати вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні правила в
конкретній обстановці; розвивати здогадку та вміння швидко орієнтуватися в умовах
непідготовленого монологічного мовлення; прищеплювати цікавість до культури,
історії, традицій англомовних країн; виховувати вміння працювати в колективі
Обладнання: заготовки
з завданнями та варіантами відповідей на тестові завдання; 2 набори ігрових
1. Організаційний
а) привітання;
Dear Friends! We are very glad to see you here. Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls. Today we are
having a competition, an English quiz and each of you will take part in it
as a member of one team or fans. We will not read texts or learn dialogues. We
were busy doing all that at the previous lessons. Today we will play.
Today we are going to have a kind of intellectual game between two teams of the 31st and the 34th groups. We hope it'll be rather interesting for you and you'll have a good time. So, be attentive, listen to all the questions and try to give, the right answers. We wish you good luck and hope for your active participation. And whatever team is the first, the main winner, of course, will be friendship. Yes, you'll have to work together to make the common decision and it's possible only when you are united, when you are real friends.
б) повідомлення правил гри;
в) представлення команд
(коротке повідомлення про склад команди, її назву).
2. Основна частина гри.
Конкурс „Literature”
Find as many words
in this word-search as you can. All of them refer to the topic “Literature”
Answers: play, detective, story, book, novel, science,
adventure; author, fiction, fairy tale, poem.
12 words (count
each word, 1 point for any right one)
2. Captains’ contest “Go on!”
It is called “Go
on!” The task is to answer the questions at high speed. If you don’t know or
don’t remember the answer, you should say “Go on!”, because your time is
a) The questions to the first team
1. 1.What river does London stand on? (The Thames).
2. 2.What is the America’s symbol of Freedom? (The
Statue of Liberty).
3. 3.What is “Penny
Black”? (The stamp).
4. 4.How old is London? (2000 years old).
5. 5.Who is the head
of the state in Great Britain? (A monarch).
6. 6.Whose portraits
are printed on American dollars? (American
7. 7.What kind of
weather is the most common in GB? (Rainy).
8. 8.At first Native
Americans were called… (Indians).
9. 9.Name any
national English game (football, cricket, rugby).
10. 10.What animal is
the symbol of the English strength and power (lion).
b) The questions to the second team
1. 1.Who was the
first American president? (G. Washington).
2. 2.How many
countries does the UK consist of? (4
3. 3.Where does the
monarch of the UK live? (Buckingham Palace).
4. 4.What is the flag
of the USA called? (“Stars
and Stripes”).
5. 5.Who are
“Beefeaters”? (The guards of the Tower).
6. 6.Who is the head
of the state and government of the USA? (The
7. 7.What river is
the capital of the USA situated on? (The Potomac).
8. 8.How many states
are there in the USA? (50)
9. 9.When is the
Thanksgiving Day celebrated? (On the fourth Thursday of November).
10. 10.What is the
address of the White House? (1600, Pennsylvania Avenue).
3. Professions, professions…
Do you know
these famous people and their professions? Teams answer in turn.
was a … (composer)
1. Charlie Chaplin
was a … (actor)
2. Lewis Carrol was a
… (writer)
3. Michelangelo
was a … (artist)
4. Gagarin
was a … (spaceman)
5. Archimedes
was a … (scientist)
6. Cleopatra
was a … (Queen)
7. George Washington
was a … (President)
8. The Beatles was a
… (singers)
9. Ivan IV (the
Terrible) was a … (Tsar)
T: And now we’ll
pass to the next task. Your task will be to answer the questions in turn. For
every correct answer I’ll give you 1 point
1 The opposite of hot is …
2 The opposite of
good is…
3 What is the plural form of “tooth”? Spell
4 What is the
plural form of “food”? Spell it
5 What is the first month of the year?
6 What month comes
before December?
7 How many minutes are there in an hour?
8 How many hours
are there in a day?
9 What is the past form of “speak”, “go”?
10 What is the
past form of “see”, “make”?
T: Now I’ll ask you the captains of both teams. The
last task is for you. Imagine that you are the guide in London. Tell your group about
one of the famous places of interest in London. For this task I’ll give
you 10 points. When everything will be correct.
ІІІ. Заключна частина
3.1. Підведення підсумків.
3.2. Нагородження переможців.
Монянчин В.Г.
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